The Philosophy of Laughter :The Real Source Of Laughter

Laughter, the Philosophy behind it.

The Real Source of Laughter

The real source of laughter.


The human being is the only known creature that is aware of itself, that wonders about the universe, about its identity; who knows, beyond any doubt, that one day he will die.

The human being is also the only creature in our world capable of laughing.
Perhaps laughter and the intimate certainty that we will die are not emergent isolated from consciousness; maybe they are connected, maybe they are the same.

Perhaps laughter, fatuous, ephemeral joy, is the only defense of that being who knows that he will die but nevertheless resolves to live.

Perhaps laughter is an act of resistance, a principled stance in the face of death.

Perhaps laughter can only occur in those who know they are predestined to die.

Perhaps the first human being who knew that he would die, by chance reasoning or observation, was also the first to laugh.

And perhaps in every happiness, in every moment of rejoicing, of happiness, we laugh at death.
