September 5, 2023

vampire obsession s

Vampire Obsession

Vampire obsession… Vanessa had always liked vampires. Not the ones from the legends, by the way; those deformed, rotten beings, capable of making their way from their coffins by swallowing earth, capable of gnawing unburied bones, devouring rats, chewing their…

what are spirits made of

What are spirits made of?

Regarding the substance that sustains spirits and allows them to manifest themselves on the physical plane, i quote an interesting article by Allan Kardec (1804-1869), father of spiritualism, author of fundamental works on the study of ghosts. , spirits and…

The Fox Sisters and the Spiritualism Mania socials

The Fox Sisters and the Spiritualism Mania

The Fox sisters were three women from New York who somehow revolutionized the study of the paranormal. Kate Fox (1837–1892), Margaret Fox (1833–1893) and Leah Fox (1814–1890) claimed that their house was inhabited by spirits. Over the years they tried…

The Ghost Club Edinburgh

The Ghost Club

The Ghost Club is the oldest organisation in the world associated with psychical research. It was founded in 1862 but has its roots in Cambridge University where, in 1855, fellows at Trinity College began to discuss ghosts and psychic phenomena….

Creepy dolls

What makes something creepy?

Even though we could translate the English adjective “creepy” as “chilling” (or “horrifying”, to name two common examples) we would be incurring a gross distortion. It is impossible to define why something is “creepy”, however, we could all identify it…