The Ouija board. Common mistakes, dangers and consequences.

Ouija Board - Dangers

The Ouija Board-Mistakes and Dangers

The Ouija Board, as well as other perhaps more modest versions, such as the cup game, and essentially any method or system of communication with the spirits, can be a dangerous tool if not used properly. Referring to it as ‘’a game’’ shouldn’t be the right term.

Next i share a guy’s experience and then we will talk in greater depth about the most common mistakes when using the Ouija, and their consequences.


I bought a ouija board thinking it would be fun to play with friends. There were three of us. We put our hands together, asked a few questions, and nothing happened. We left the room. Upon returning, we saw that the slider had slid from the dash to the floor. Needless to say, we were pretty freaked out.

Since then, my house has changed. I have seen dark masses peeking from corners, things that appear and suddenly are no longer there. My parents and my brother have also told me that they have seen and heard strange things since then.

A few weeks ago my girlfriend stayed to sleep. She woke up in the middle of the night and saw a tall, dark figure standing in the bedroom doorway, staring at us.

Last night was the turning point. I woke up around 3:15 a.m. to see a dark figure at the foot of my bed, with no face or distinctive features. It disappeared suddenly. I felt deeply very cold. I managed to get back to sleep and woke up vomiting this morning. I don’t know what kind of entity we let in.

(The same person shares another message a few days later.)

I got my girlfriend and brother to use the ouija board with me to tell this entity, or whatever, to go away. This time it did move when we put our fingers together. I asked him what it was and he instantly fell to number 8. I’m not sure what that means. In short, the three of us told him to go away. I hope it’s enough.


You have to be extremely careful when using the Ouija Board. In fact, if you don’t take it seriously, it’s best not to use it at all.

The Ouija is a mean of communication, but also something more. A possible analogy for its use would be to be driving a vehicle down the road and picking up hitch-hikers, completely at random. The problem is that these people are not going anywhere. They stay in the car with you, until you crash.

In this particular case, the first mistake when using the Ouija was not to open the communication by establishing clear rules for those who can respond. You don’t need to be too solemn here. One of the people gathered around the Ouija board, the one who will ask the questions later, should speak loudly, clearly, and open the communication by inviting only beneficial spirits.

If the invitation is too generic, anyone can be invited.

The Ouija board should never be left open when people leave the room, as it happened here, much less with the planchette on the board. Finally, the third mistake was not closing the communication properly.

As in the opening, the person who calls the shots must make it clear that no entity is welcome in the house at the end of the contact, and that they cannot contact you again unless they are called again. In fact, the Ouija has a space to cut communication with a GOODBYE. So yes, the dashboard can be closed and saved.

Despite these precautions, unpleasant events can always occur when using the Ouija board.

It is very common  the presence of more or less violent entities, in verbal terms, but that does not pose a considerable danger. It is common to find entities that are attributed ostentatious names, especially demons. It is nothing short of absurd to believe that a demon will offer its name in this way, when it is precisely the name that allows it to be exorcised.

Although this is the predominant opinion, there are also others that go in the opposite direction, and that assure that when a being identifies himself as a demon you should take it very seriously.

Ultimately, it is an entity that strongly identifies with a powerful, millennial force, and demonic in nature. In any case, it can act as such. Hence some urge to take this as an especially serious and potentially dangerous threat.

That said, most cases do not go beyond mere identity theft, something like a kind of afterlife trolling where low-vibration spirits attribute powers they do not possess.

Inappropriate use of the Ouija, especially not closing the session as it should, can facilitate the access of parasitic entities of the Astral Plane. At best, these entities can generate a much darker atmosphere in the house, even depressing, especially in the environments in which the communication took place.

In extreme cases, the whole house can be taken over by larvae, worms and parasites of the astral plane if the corresponding cleansing rituals are not performed.

Formerly, all methods of communication with the spiritual world included the use of salt to prevent this type of entities from spreading through the place. It is not a bad idea to spread salt around the entire perimeter of the house. It won’t completely stop entities, but it will make getting in and out of the house very, very uncomfortable for them.

Many ancient rites consider that salt forms a kind of barrier that is visible to spirits. It is not a totally effective method – none is, actually – but it will make the step unpleasant and uncomfortable for any spirit with malicious intent. However, it will not keep away an entity truly determined to enter.

Salt is ideal for eradicating parasitic entities with enough force to adhere to people in the house and absorb their energy.  In this sense, a spirit can go through a circle of salt, but each time it does so it will deplete its energy to the point of taking several days to recover. In most cases, this is enough to keep them from coming back.


Some people with bad Ouija experiences decide to burn the board in a fit of fear. That is one of the worst decisions that can be made.

At most, after properly closing it, you can bury the board and the planchette separately. Burning it will only end up doing more damage.

Among the common phenomena after misusing the Ouija board are the appearance experiences, that is, when we feel observed, or we feel presences being alone. In some cases, however, more intense phenomena may occur, such as extremely unpleasant odours in the place where the session was held, and even the sensation that something invisible is blowing you into the room, face, or it touches you.

Lower vibration entities can stay in the house for a while, and even leave as suddenly as they arrived even without doing anything about it, but it is best to carry out a cleansing ritual, especially in those cases where lower vibration entities vibration synchronize with some inhabitant of the house.

If, despite these warnings, someone still decides to play with the Ouija board, it is good to take into account the following recommendations:

a- Whatever happens, do not remove your hands from the planchette, even if the players perceive some strange phenomenon around.

b- If the planchette seems to get stuck on the number 8 symbol, IMMEDIATELY close the session.

c- NEVER allow the planchette to go to the ends of the board, LESS LESS IT IS TO COME OFF THE BOARD.

d- If you contact a spirit never ask questions like when or where it died. This always generates unpleasant reactions.

It is important to maintain a respectful attitude when using the Ouija, but also a degree of authority. If you feel that you are in danger, and believe me, you can feel it, don’t keep playing. Just move the planchette to GOODBYE, and make sure you log out properly, saying goodbye and saying that no one has the right to follow you or harm you in any way possible.

Using the Ouija is a bit like opening a door into the unknown. If you open that door, you must also close it. After all, you wouldn’t leave your front door open at night. Anyone could enter.


That way you would destroy the door without being able to close it. Once the session is closed, the board can be buried, or submerged in water. The fire will only end up releasing any entity that is trapped on the board, or has used it to manifest.

The Ouija should never be used again unless properly logged out. In the case of our friend, the error was twofold, because in addition to not closing the session the first time, he used the board again some time later. Even throwing it away and forgetting about it will not log you out. The door has already been opened.


To finish some last recommendations for all those who have decided to use the Ouija, which is in fact an excellent method to transform sceptics into believers:

a- Use the board with respect, but also with authority, you never know exactly what the intentions of whoever is on the other side of the line are. This is not a game, but an oracle.

b- Do not bombard the board with questions. In fact, no more than two questions should be asked if there is no answer. Ideally, the questions should be asked by a single person, although the entity may request that someone else ask them.

c- Never leave the planchette unattended. It can move around the board and use it to channel forces much more powerful than an astral larva, as it seems to have happened in this case.

d- The spirit should not be asked to demonstrate its presence on the physical plane, making noise or moving an object. In that way we are basically giving it access to our physical environment.

e- Say hello, thank them, and say goodbye to them. Courtesy is essential, no matter what. It’s pretty much the way you would treat a guest if they came to your house.

f- Perhaps the most important thing: do not allow the planchette to stop at number 8. Nor that it moves only from back to front, or from right to left, that is, from A to Z and from number 1 to 10 repeatedly.

Now i advise against the use of the Ouija board for various reasons. I mention some here, others, perhaps in order not to give them too much importance; we prefer to omit them because this type of warnings can have the opposite effect on certain people, urging them precisely to do what they were advised against.

At best the Ouija is like a random call; or as if it were an old telephone system, only that the operator is crazy and almost all the lines lead to maniacs capable of imitating very well the voice of the person you originally wanted to contact.

In this context, is it worth using the Ouija board?

Not at all, of all the methods of spiritual communication, are the least secure.
